Blind dates are always equally exciting and stressful because you don’t know what to talk about and how to behave. The good thing is, we have profound questions to ask your partner. These are the ten best ice-breakers for a blind date you want to learn by heart.
And if you have a problem with the practice part, here is a great helper: https://annadating.com
Ten questions for a blind date to melt the ice:
1. “Can you describe your life in five minutes as in as much detail as possible?”
Not only will you make the person incredibly flattered by wanting to know their details, but it might also be a major icebreaker for a blind date. Because you don’t know much about each other, let this blitz become an introduction that leads to even more questions.
2. “What did you expect me to look like?”
Since it is a blind date, it’s exciting to see how much the picture in a person’s mind differs from your actual appearance. What did they imagine your height to be? What are their perfect parameters? Do you fit those standards? Share your image of them and compare the results.
3. “What is your fave travel destination?”
It’s fun to talk about exciting trips with a person you’ve never seen. Unless you have spoken multiple times, your date might reveal some unexpected traveling stories from countries you have never thought of visiting. Exchanging cultural values and sharing fun facts is the best part of every date.
4. “Would you like to become a celebrity?”
It’s fun to hear someone’s stories about their success and willingness to become famous. Additionally, you might get some insight into your person’s hobbies and unique quirks. Maybe your date has immense potential to become a celebrity indeed.
5. “What is your most cherished childhood memory?”
Reminiscing about past events is precious, especially when you’re talking not to an old friend, but a newfound acquaintance. Childhood stories reveal how much the person is attached to their past, their psychological age and whether they are sentimental. These are crucial facts, exceptionally needed for dating.
6. “Who is your favorite singer?”
Similar music taste can be a true blessing in disguise. If both of you love tunes, you might finish the date with a lengthy list of recommendations. It is important to have somewhat similar preferences as a couple, so the quicker you find out, the better.
7. “Are you an adventurous person?”
Even seeing your date in person is not enough to find out how much of a dark horse they are. What if your date loves race cars and pocker? It might be funny to find out that information from a similarly innocent stranger.
8. “Do you feel guilty for anything? Why?”
It is interesting to find out whether your date has something to repent for. These might be funny and interesting comments, but you have every chance to bump into a serious conversation with a person you have previously talked to over the Internet.
9. “Do you often go on blind dates?”
Some people see blind dating as a hobby. Is it the first time that your person bumps into someone on the dating site or in the street? What are their usual responses to average dating site visitors who ask basic questions?
10. “Which moment would you like to relive?”
It is one of the most genuine questions you can ask a stranger. Everyone has a story at the back of their mind. Is your person brave enough to share some of the deepest secrets about their past and do they regret anything?
What’s Next?
You had a successful blind date and would like to plan a second date, follow these tips:
- Be sure to dress to impress
- Get a haircut
- Pick a nice restaurant
- Plan something fun to do
- Prepare some second-date questions, check this list
- Listen to what your date has to say
Bonus: Benefits of Blind Dates
After you heard 10 amazing questions to ask on a blind date, there is one more doubt we would like to solve here. Many people are not even sure whether blind dates are for them or not. They somehow feel that nothing serious can result from that type of dating.
However, that is not quite correct and the outcomes can be different. When you look closer, the outcomes of the regular date can be different as well.
Anyway, there are multiple reasons to go on a blind date. After reading the list of benefits below, we are pretty sure you will change your way of thinking. You will figure out on your own that there are many wonderful things you can get this way. Let’s go!
You Will Have Less Pressure
When we go on a regular date, the person we go out with is usually someone we know. More precisely, it is part of our social circle. Because of that, people often feel uncomfortable and put themselves under pressure. On the other hand, that sort of problem does not exist with blind dates. You can relax more and focus on good things that may happen after the date end. Despite that, instead of trying to act nice all the time, you will spend more energy analyzing the person that is on the opposite side of the table.
Meeting DIfferent Characters
Every person on this planet has different tastes and expectations. Because of that, we often analyze the habits, mentality, and interests of the person that we would potentially want to invite on a date. However, if we do not like what we see before we decide on that move, the mentioned “invitation” will never appear.
In other words, we like only one type of character, or, one mix of mentality, character, habits, and interests. We do not allow other types of people to introduce themselves. On a blind date, you do not know anything about the person you will drink coffee or have dinner with. No one says that you will like something different, but everyone and everything deserves a chance. How do you know the other person likes the way of thinking that you have? You will also give the opportunity to someone else to try something different.
Good for Self-Confidence
It is not a secret that many people, especially when we talk about male, is naturally shy. They have a problem to invite a lady on a date. If you are one of those individuals, then blind dates are an extremely good alternative. No one expects you to be brave or proactive. All you have to do is to come to the particular place at the determined time. Your friends or family members will take care of everything!
Don’t worry, as mentioned, blind dates will not put you under pressure. More precisely, you should not go on a blind date and expect that you will get married for a couple of months. Instead of that, you should just expect to meet a new person that you may not see again in the future ever. Besides, if you haven’t had a date for a long time, a blind date will affect your confidence as well. You will have the opportunity to work a little on your flirting skills.