
What in the world is a couple both moved and engaged? A desire to cheat on one’s partner may arise.

This is not just a lack of love, but often it can be a desire that arises in accordance with several aspects that we are going to analyze together, and also see how to satisfy your desire to deceive a partner. We will also point you to an article that is for those who are interested in adultery and which can be very helpful.

End of physical attraction to one's partner

The desire for betrayal can arise, according to several American studies, for the following reasons:

End of physical attraction to one’s partner

This can indeed usually happen when the partner, after a certain number of years in which the romance went on discreetly, lies down so to speak on its laurels and the so-called ‘sloppiness’ period begins. The partner no longer cares as much as he once did and does not dress in such a way as to attract attention.

We are obviously not talking about dressing sexy as far as the woman is concerned, but neither are we talking as if she has a burka or is guessing for colors to wear. It is an imposing aspect whose signals come through quite clearly more for the female sex than for the male sex but still an issue that affects both partners.

For the woman is highlighted perhaps in the abandonment of the gymnasium, which he used to frequent assiduously to keep fit, or for the failure to dye his hair which has strange and obvious gray-white roots that they would never before have dreamed of allowing a glimpse of.

Or in a failure to shave the private parts while for boys, the phenomenon of neglect usually begins with sloppiness in clothing (perennial post-work overalls), from a lack of desire to take care of one’s appearance, in so many ways, from hair to taking care of physical fitness to even in some cases the lack of dental hygiene.

All of this, just said, obviously results in estrangement of the partner or both, and the pursuit and desire to cheat and devote one’s time to someone who at least washes up before a hot date and wants us and, most importantly, shows it and shows it to us.

Remedying this situation must take place before cheating materializes and the desire for adultery overcomes the fear of being caught. You have to take care of yourself and if you are not the problem, talk about it with your partner and try to understand the issue without shame and fear.

Lack of mental understanding

The urge to cheat can also occur when there is a lack of mental understanding between two spouses, and this aspect, such as the one we just discussed, is perhaps more important than physical attraction in that, as we know, desire resides in the brain, and if with your partner you can no longer share an interesting talk or a moment of complicity (not necessarily resulting in sex) means that the situation is very serious.

This will only lead one of the two into the arms of another/other whose understanding maybe has it, and a strong one at that. To remedy this situation you must engage in regaining that communication you had and lost, not talking about common arguments that you both like and that surely if you go fishing in your mind, you will easily find again.

Nervousness vented in the couple

You know that life is not easy for anyone, especially when you are in a couple and often want to be alone without necessarily listening or caring for the needs of others.

This often happens when a person has problems related to work or life in general, and the resulting nervousness is taken out on a partner, perhaps in not very pleasant ways and with offensive phrases. This, shall we say, “promiscuous” behavior is one of the things that most motivate a partner to feel the urge and urge to cheat and feel satisfied and stop being offended by the person next to them?

Lack of sex in the couple


We have come to a very sore note connected directly with the first point we discussed.

If, in a copy, no sex is practiced, we certainly don’t say every day, but consistently (the frequency is very personal anyway), the desire drops dramatically. Often this also happens because we get overwhelmed by the daily commitments de issues of life and you know the member does not want thoughts (popular saying!).

You can always try to spice up your love life with toys or by dressing up sexy for your partner.

You will say yes but if I have thoughts I have no desire and so I do nothing, there may be but for a limited time or if the period lasts for a long time, you have to necessarily talk to your partner about it, and don’t make up fancy excuses to evade the love/sexual relationship otherwise the reaction after a while will be at the end of the line and adultery or a final breakup of the couple will be triggered.

If, after all these tips we have given you, the urge to cheat still hasn’t disappeared, you have no choice but to satisfy it through casual encounters you may have in your work or social day, but we strongly advise against it, as they are the most dangerous.

Or you can find an escapade partner through one of the many extramarital dating sites that exist in the USA (here are some that we tested for you – Best Hookup Sites ) so that the desire will die down and you can calmly deal with your couple’s issues and perhaps silence the urge to cheat in the future.