
In today’s competitive environment, every firm gradually turns to digital marketing to increase its customer base and maintain client connections. Email is among the most amazing tools helping a company find new clients and maintain relations with existing ones. Since the market is full of new marketing tools, people often doubt the relevancy of mail marketing.

But to everyone’s surprise, this tool can help any firm attain success if appropriately utilized. All the legal corporations today are trying their hands on email marketing to nurture customer relationships, obtain high returns, drive website traffic, and obtain a competitive advantage.

Here are a few valuable tips for creating a successful email marketing campaign for your law firm:

Timing of the Mails is Important


When sending emails to promote the law firm, timing plays a critical role. Marketers often ponder over the ideal time for sending messages. While the perfect time for a food-making company would be Sunday mornings, the same for a beverage company would be Friday evenings. But if we talk about a law firm, it has been noticed the best time for their promotion is early Tuesday morning.

The promotional emails sent on early Tuesday mornings receive the most click-through rates for law firms. But it is only valid for some firms. That’s why companies must experiment with the timings now and then to find the appropriate time resulting in the most click-throughs. Besides, it is essential to understand your target audience and test the campaigns on different days and times.

Balance the Images and Content


How your messages appear to the clients significantly impacts your firm’s reputation.

Legal firms often overlook this factor during promotions, but it plays a central role. We don’t try new products unless their packaging is attractive or their advertisement is engaging. The same thing applies to emails.

The message must be appealing to attract clients. That’s why paying attention to its content and images is vital. A firm must remember it is selling itself with the newsletter.

So, it must use the right balance and include text and ideas in the content. Otherwise, people would unsubscribe from your database.

It is also essential to include alt-text for the images. Alt-text is a short description of an image and is visible to the reader if the picture fails to load. Including an alt-text is one of the best marketing practices as it also helps search engines optimize your content if you include it on your webpage.

Always Include the Call-to-Action


Including a compelling call-to-action at the end of your newsletter is vital to drive the audience to read more about your announcement. A call-to-action must include the reason for sending an email in the first place. Do you have big news to share or announce a major legal win?

Another thing you can do is create different hyperlinks in the content to drive traffic to your webpage. You may use advanced marketing techniques to make the hyperlink appear how you want it to fit the aesthetics of your message.

Only Include a Relevant Content


To create an effective newsletter, it is crucial to include only the relevant content. A firm must understand its target audience because people only subscribe to appropriate email services. A person looking to resolve family disputes wouldn’t want to receive advice on labor laws.

For instance, if you specialize in family law, the message should include content about custody, rights, divorce, availing services, documents, binding decisions, etc. The email content varies according to your specialization, including international, criminal, human rights, tort, property, contract, or administrative law.

Build Your Law Firm Marketing List


To enhance the relevancy of Email Marketing for Law Firms, it is vital to building a marketing list by regularly inviting new clients. You may do so by inviting customers to subscribe to your services. If you’re participating in a conference, ask the attendees to learn more about your association by opting in to receive your newsletter. Giving clients an option is the perfect way to remain compliant with digital communication regulations.

Also, remember to send a welcome letter to the new subscribers, thanking them and outlining what they can expect from your campaigns in the future.

Always Draft Catchy Subject Lines


A catchy and attractive subject line is the best way to the audience’s mind. If you want your potential clients to remember, you must stand out from the crowd, that is possible by keeping the subject line of the message short and relevant. If the subject line is enticing, your email won’t make it to the trash, at least in an instant.

Here are some pointers to help you understand how to hook the audience to your newsletter:

• Keep it clear and definite, around 40-50 characters.
• Instead of being too descriptive, include more verbs.
• Keep changing the lines if you send weekly emails.
• Inform clients how they will benefit from your services.
• Create urgency among the readers by including CTA.
• Don’t use spam-triggering phrases and words.
• Ensure your images are viewable to the recipients.

Following these message marketing tips will allow a growing legal corporation to obtain high ROI, create a direct link with the audience, and will help drive relevant traffic to their website.

Wrapping Up

Email marketing still has the potential to take your legal firm to great heights only if you know how to utilize it properly. We hope the things listed in this article help you achieve your goals and, thus, success. But don’t forget to continuously measure the success and experiment with the email content and timings. There are many ways to use this platform to your advantage.

Although progress is vital, it is alright to face setbacks sometimes, such as low engagement. When such an event occurs, instead of being disheartened, you must use various analytical tools to introduce changes to the newsletter.

Always experiment with the campaigns and compare the data to find out what works best for your firm.