
Ridesharing is one of the most efficient mediums of transportation that has globally changed the traditional definition of taxis. It is cost-effective to drive multiple passengers to the same destination, and it is time-efficient to reach a place without a vehicle or the ability to drive. However, it is not always rainbows when it comes to these applications, for a recent study showed that rideshare accidents experienced an annual 3% increase, causing about 987 fatalities each year.

People interpret statistics with half-knowledge and often confuse rideshare accidents with common car accidents, which can differ significantly in terms of liability and how you approach the case. Visit to learn about the difference between a rideshare accident and an ordinary car accident and how you can win compensation for a rideshare accident.

In this article, you will learn the difference between the two and how it can influence the handling of your case:

Approach to Handling Case


Experienced legal teams specializing in rideshare accidents can investigate common causes of Uber accidents, such as distracted or negligent driving and driving while intoxicated (DWI). They can help determine liability and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve while you focus on physical and mental recovery.

They ensure the case moves in a just and proper direction. They undertake the legal complexities of the case, take care of the medical and legal documentation, calculate your compensation, and help you win the case in a court of law.

Mode of Operation

Rideshare companies like Uber & Lyft differ fundamentally in the mode in which they operate. They are often confused with each other because people are exposed to getting picked up and dropped in a similar manner. Taxi drivers are contract employees for the taxi company and are paid contingency insurance on their behalf.

However, rideshare companies like Uber have argued that their drivers are not employees but independent contractors who work independently. They, thus, argue that they are mere applications that have provided a platform for drivers to operate through them. Drivers have limited benefits in terms of insurance.

Hiring Requirements


The method of hiring drivers in a taxi is substantially different from that of rideshare companies, which can be seen based on rigorousness and testing criteria. As they treat their drivers as employees, their job descriptions and candidate profiles are of a higher standard than those of ridesharing companies. Multiple background checks are made, and requirements are verified rigorously and thoroughly.

The requirements for the latter are less, and the testing process is straightforward. Uber drivers, for instance, must be 21 years of age or older and have about one to three years of driving experience. They also need a driver’s license and a privately owned vehicle with appropriate registration and insurance documents. As such, these drivers are also highly susceptible to criminal activities like sexual assaults, rape, and theft.

Timing Issues

Suppose you look at the accident cases of a rideshare driver and a taxi driver. In that case, the timing is an influential factor in evaluating the case and determining the compensation. Taxis and auto accidents, on the other hand, not so much. Timing creates the basis for insurance claims and compensation settlements for rideshare companies, which provide supplemental and additional coverage for the accident based on the app’s status.

The compensation to those victims is often hinged because compensation is only provided when the application is on, the rider has accepted the request, and the passenger is on board.

Insurance Differences & Liability


Liability is one of the most significant differences between rideshare and taxi companies. Taxis provide insurance for claims for accidents because of the difference in liability. As taxi drivers go through companies, an employee’s wrongdoing is often compensated through company insurance coverage.

The liability policy of the rideshare company is substantial. It can help you cover the injuries sustained in the accidents and any economic losses you suffered due to the medical emergency. However, this is only the case if the driver is at fault. If other drivers are at fault for the accident, they have no liability insurance.

How a Lawyer Can Help


Hiring a lawyer in a personal injury case is crucial. Even more when it comes to rideshare accidents. The problem with rideshare accidents is that there will be more than one party liable for the accident. Determining the at-fault party is a crucial aspect of a claim. Without determining liability, you cannot successfully claim compensation for all your losses.

A lawyer can help in determining all the at-fault parties in a rideshare accident. They will collect all the relevant evidence and prove the liability of the at-fault party.

Another important thing a lawyer will help with is determining damages. The lawyer will calculate all kinds of losses that you have incurred as a result of the accident and will claim the compensation amount.

Many cases have been lost due to asking for more compensation than actual damages. Asking for high compensation and low compensation are both bad in personal injury cases. You need to ask for the right compensation to win the claim. A lawyer will do exactly that. They will consider economic and non-economic losses when claiming compensation.

In addition to economic and non-economic damages, they will also claim punitive damages where possible. Punitive damages are awarded to punish the wrongdoer. These damages are awarded very rarely. Obtaining this damage is possible in a rideshare accident, but the problem is that you cannot claim it individually. A lawyer can help you claim punitive damages without any hassles.



With the rise of private transportation, commuting through independent driving agencies has increased in metropolitan areas. However, while they may be independent drivers, multiple factors differ in accidents caused by ridesharing companies and other forms of transportation like personal taxis, privately owned vehicles, buses, etc.

This difference can pose complexities and challenges with who to hold accountable for damages caused, the approach to the case, and determining settlement claims. Therefore, having the right professionals by your side becomes essential.