
Sitting for too long is just as bad for your health as smoking and can cause premature death. Workers who sit at their desks for eight to 10 hours a day should consider this as a wake-up call to protect their health. Standing desks provide a perfect transformation in the office and help you to transition from a sedentary to an active lifestyle.

Some standing desk mistakes prevent you from reaping the full health advantages of standing while working. If you’re using a standing desk or intend to acquire one, be aware of the frequent mistakes that many of us do and should avoid.

1. Improper monitor positioning

Professionals who frequently have back and neck discomfort should consider the screen’s position. Acute discomfort might result if the screen is positioned very low. Looking down at the screen while working might create upper back pain and impair your posture. You must maintain the screen at eye level to avoid tilting your head while working. Consider utilizing accessories to set the screen to the appropriate level. If the screen is properly positioned, you will notice an improvement in your productivity.

2. Uncomfortable footwear

Most people who work in an office place a high value on looks. Your footwear’s comfort may play second fiddle and may not be a concern if you sit all day. However, if you have accessibility to a standing desk, your footwear, like the floor’s surface, may have a considerably larger impact on your comfort. Unsatisfactory footwear can have a ripple effect on certain areas of the body. That’s why we recommend wearing shoes at a standing desk which you can read more here.

Evaluate your footwear choices cautiously, particularly if you want to stand for extended periods of time at work. Quality, comfortable shoes are available in practically every style. You can also utilize insoles. Adding an orthotic insole to your shoes will help to customize the fit and add extra support to the shoe. This will generally make your feet more comfortable.

3. Wrong posture


Bad posture has become a norm for most people, particularly bending and squinting at their computers. Before directing your attention to your posture, check your keyboard placement, monitor, and desk height. Your body will maintain muscle memory from poor posture, and reconditioning may take a while. Remember to keep your shoulders behind your ears, your chest forward, and your neck erect and pull your monitor closer.

4. Standing for lengthy hours

While standing can be advantageous to your health, excessive standing in the same position can be harmful. Standing desks stimulate mobility, but you should not remain in the same posture for lengthy periods of time. You must engage your muscles to keep your body moving when standing. Standing without moving your feet or joints will cause pain, hence while striving to reduce physical discomfort, remember to move about regularly.

5. Improper wrist position

If you spend a lot of time typing, you may get wrist pain if you do not have the proper wrist posture. When utilizing a standing desk, keep your wrists in an ideal posture and avoid bending them upwards whilst using the keyboard. Maintain a 180-degree angle with your wrists and forearms at all times. If the desk height is appropriate, you can also utilize a keyboard pad.

6. Wrong desk height

It is critical to choose an adequate desk height. You should not be uncomfortable when working at your workstation. If you do, it indicates that the elevation is inappropriate for you. Your work productivity is determined by how you position the display and keyboard. You can measure the height of your desk using your monitor and keyboard. Set a height that allows you to retain your elbow at a 90-degree angle while maintaining the screen just below eye level. If your monitor is too high or too low, it will reduce your productivity and prevent you from making the most of your standing desk.

7. Standing on a hard surface


Standing on a solid surface, such as concrete, hardwood floors, or tiles, will quickly dull the brilliance of a standing desk. Standing on a hard surface, like some of the other faults in this list, can cause discomfort and achy joints. Standing mats are recommended when the flooring is beyond your control or is too expensive to replace. Simple standing mats will give a significant improvement over a hard standing area and are a sensible purchase if your floor surface is too hard.

8. Using a seat that isn’t well-cushioned

Even the most ardent standing workers must sit for part of the day. Seats substantially exert greater pressure on your lower back than standing. Hence, having a good chair at your standing desk is crucial to avoiding neck, upper back, and lower back issues. You don’t want the gains of your standing time to be offset by your sitting time.

You should consider purchasing an ergonomic chair. An ergonomic chair includes adjustable armrests, lumbar support, soft seating, and heights that may be adjusted. Since they might be pricey, you can just straighten up and modify your posture. Set your feet firmly on the ground and straighten your back if you notice yourself slouching. To avoid back discomfort and other problems, maintain proper posture.

9. Not making use of a typing stand

If your profession needs you to type from a tablet, you will undoubtedly want a typing stand. New kinds of convertible standing desks incorporate this into the frame and may be adjusted accordingly. The appropriate height of your typing stand is similar to the optimal height of your display.



Standing desks provide a number of health benefits for the human body; nevertheless, it is critical to get the right benefits by taking the proper strategy for the best outcomes. They not only aid with posture, but they have also been shown to reduce back discomfort, neck pain, and even boost metabolism. However, because many people are unfamiliar with the concept, it is easy to make a standing desk error.

Regular pauses at work will benefit your health by increasing blood circulation. Soft chairs, appropriate monitor placement, and the optimum workstation height will go a long way toward ensuring improved health. Many workplaces have embraced standing desks, so if you use one, avoid these blunders at all costs. You can check out Desky if you are looking for the best modern standing desks for your office or home workstation.